1982 MOONEY 231


Price:$139,900 USD
Serial Number:25-0694
Total Time:2536 TT
Engine:694 Hours Since Overhaul (Penn Yan)
Propeller:10 Hours Since Overhaul
Exterior:Very Nice White Base Trimmed in White Red and Blue
Interior:Very Nice Gray Fabric Seats with matching carpet and side panels
Annual Due:12/2025
Avionics:King KMA-24 Audio Panel /Marker Beacon Receiver
GARMIN 650 GPS/ COM Touch Screen
King VOR/LOC?/ILS Indicator
King KX-155 Digital Nav/Com System
King Vor/Loc Indicator #2
King KT-76A Transponder
King KR-87 Digital ADF System with Remote Indicator
Ryan WX-10 Weather Avoidance Storm Scope
Avionics Master Switch
Auto-Pilot:King KFC-200 Autopilot/ Flight Director with Slaved HSI and Mode Annunciator Panel
Other Equip:Stand By Vacuum System
EC-100 cabin Stereo System
FT-100 Fuel System Management System
Heated Pitot System
Pilot and Copilot Mike Button
Iso Com Intercom
All Specifications Subject to Verification By Purchaser or His Agents on or Before Time of Delivery